July 2, 2010

Bigger Really is Better!

I got my photo order from Laura Kruger yesterday and I'm in love!  Here are a couple of the things I'm so excited about!
I'm so disappointed I didn't take a picture of these next to something so you can see how BIG and fantastic they are!  The 20X20 is sooooooooooooo cool!  Now I need to decide what wall I'm putting them on and pick up a couple of shelves this weekend.

Laura mounted these are foam board so they can sit on shelves and lean against the wall.  Too cool.

And check this out!  I'm sooo happy with this little "brag book."  I can carry it in my purse and I stuck it in my pocket today and took it with me to the County Clerk's office to show off when I got my coffee and to the Bank to show the tellers.  Can you tell I think he's just a little bit cute?

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