January 31, 2011

Do you have Facebook?

Good!  Vote for Asher!  Yes, I've entered him in another contest.  Remember Laura Kruger who took his awesome 1 year pictures?  Well she's having a contest on Facebook to give away a free session.  I had to send in a snapshot of Asher and believe it or not I didn't have a good recent one so I had to go with this one:

Here are her rules for voting.


1. "Like" the 'Laura Kruger Photography' page on Facebook at:

This is a REALLY important step. If you do not "Like" the page first, you WILL NOT see a "Like" button under the photos!!

2. Check out all the photos in the album labeled "Portrait Session Giveaway" once the voting has begun. (Wednesday, Feb. 2nd at 8AM) Once you're on the page with the photo that you would like to vote for, click "Like". (Only the photo you want to vote on should be able to be seen.)

3. Click "Like" under the photo

4. You've voted!!

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