June 10, 2011

Memorial Day!

On Memorial Day we headed down to Clinton bright and early with Taylor and Josh.  The weather was perfect but a little on the hot side for Asher.  He did good but still wasn't thrilled with the water.  He took about a 2 hour nap so that gave me a little time to relax.  Maybe its just me but leaving the house and doing anything remotely "dangerous" with him totally freaks and stresses me out.  What if he gets a sun burn, what if there is a tsunami on Clinton Lake and our boat capsizes and he falls in the water drowns....  Don't laugh, this is the way my mind works.
He's such a little stud but hates his "coat" 
Nap time! 

We're hearing a new saying a lot lately, "I drive."  In the car the other day I told him "In 14 years."  He looked at me and said "Pease?"  How am I ever going to survive with a kid this stinkin cute?!?! 
Comparing sunburns and acting like an old married couple already 
See this guy?  Also known as my husband.  He will be 30 on Sunday. 
And usually doesn't act a day over 16
But he is right about some things - this is the life!

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