September 14, 2011

On Sunday Mom & Dad had a little improptu Pool Party at their house.  Milissa brought the kiddos over and Grandma Jane, Aunt Kristi, Heidi, Aunt Sandy, and Aunt Teri all came over for the afternoon.
We're getting there.  Hopefully the fence will be up in the next couple of weeks and the concrete poured in front of the garage. 
This is how Asher feels about the pool.
This is also how Aunt TeeTee feels about the way Asher feels about the pool. 
Even Aunt Heidi couldn't get him to stop crying. 
But she said she would teach him how to swim next year.
If she teaches Asher how to swim it will pry be the same way she taught me...
by throwing him in and telling him to swim. 
Brody was a happy camper and loved the water! 
HAHA and so did this little fishy! 
Asher was much happier in his "cow boots" and pull up. 
He is totally my kid.
He LOVES his boots. 
And does that crinkly nose thing just like me :) 
But he'll never take a good picture with Mommy. 
Little Buddy might not like the "big water" but would spend all day in the hot tub. 
As usual, Dad & Dustin were working on a project.
Sunday it was the automatic pool cover. 
My Goodness.  Just look at this child.
He's gonna be a year before we know it!

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