May 15, 2012

39 Week Appointment

Weight Gain This Appointment: Lost 1 pound
Total so Far: 37 pounds
Belly Measurement: She didn't take it since I was "full term"
Brudder's Heart Rate: 140's
Progress:  I was almost completely thinned out but not dilated at all :(

What's Next:  I was for sure disappointed when she said I wasn't dilated but she said I was almost completely thinned out.  I asked her what that meant and she said that when I do dilate it will be "amazing."  Still not sure what that means.  She was also able to feel his head when she checked me so at least I know his head is down!  She said if nothing has happened by Friday to come down to the Gibson office and she'll check me again.  Then she said what are we gonna do if you're still pregnant next Monday (my due date).  I just stared at her and she said we didn't have to talk about it yet.  I know she was asking if I wanted to set a c-section date but I just can't do that yet.  Sooooo we'll just see what happens!

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