May 24, 2011

Vegas - Saturday

Saturday we spent most of the morning walking around and showing Taylor the different casinos.  The weather in Vegas was beautiful and 93 degrees!  I called Dustin and he said it was raining and 50 at home.

After our tour of Casinos we decided to head back to our hotel to sit by the pool for the afternoon.  The "young girls" hung out in the pool while the ladies sat on the upper deck sunning themselves.  We knew we needed to be rested up because we were going to see the Thunder From Down Under that night at 11 PM!
This is my cousin Jordi, isn't she too cute? 
After we finished our $20 poolside drinks we went up to the room to get ready for dinner.  We ate at Toby Keith's I Love this Bar.  The food was good and I loved the names of everything on the menu!
Taylor had a "Toad Suck Pond" while I enjoyed a "White Trash with Money"
And Milissa & Addie hung out with Toby.

After dinner we decided to go the O'Sheas so the girls could play beer pong.  I had no desire to play, evidently beer pong came after I got out of High School.
This was the longest game of beer pong ever
And if you've never been there, O'Sheas is a dive.  I can't believe those girls would drink anything after those ping pong balls had been on that grody floor.  Addie sent me a FB message when we got home saying she thought she had strep throat and she was pretty sure she had contracted it at O'Sheas.
Finally it was time for the Thunder!  All 13 of us went - even my Grandma (but she's cool like that) and my Great Aunt Annie!  We had a blast.  If you ever get away with the girls its a good time. 
I paid $40 for the Sister and I to get our picture taken.  When I turned 21 I think it only cost $5 but they had a Polaroid then.
We ended up at Coyote Ugly later that night.  This time it was Rachel who danced on the bar instead of Milissa.

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