January 31, 2012

24 Week Dr Appt

Weight Gain This Month: 9 lbs
Total so Far: 21 since my first appt!
Belly Measurement: 25-26 cm
Brudder's Heart Rate: 140's

Today was a good appointment.  I actually made sure I asked my questions.  Dr A put me on a "preventative" for my headaches.  Although I'm only having 1-2 migraines per month I have a headache EVERY.SINGLE.DAY.

I also noticed when I was looking at one of the papers that they had my due date down as May 21st.  So I asked her about it and she said that they had adjusted it after my October ultrasound - I guess I never knew that!  She also said that my 20 week anatomy scan came back good.  No major defects and all the limbs were intact!  She said they didn't mention the band in the report so she was going to call over to the hospital this week to double check with the Dr there to make sure everything still looked good. 

Lastly we talked about me having a VBAC vs. C-Section.  This is something I've really been contemplating the last several weeks and I wanted her opinion.  She told me that since I never even went into labor with Asher (he was under stress) that she thought I would be a good canidate for a VBAC and told me that she was on board for me to try.  She also told me that the chances of rupturing my cesarian scar was about 1 in 10,000.  So that made me feel better.  She told me that she would not induce me if I decided to do a VBAC - which is good because I wouldn't want to be induced anyway (you may be laughing thinking that I'm saying that now...).  If at any time I decide to go with the C-Section she said we could do that.  So I'm happy with where we are right now.  I like that nothing is set in stone!

1 comment:

Wish I Might said...

So glad you got good news!! And, when/if we have #2, I'm sure I'll feel the same kind of emotions going through the clothes. (re: your last post) I'm lazy. :)