November 30, 2011

Asher's Big Train Ride

Last Monday (yeah I know I'm behind) my Mom's side of the family took the 3 kiddos on the train to Chicago!  Asher was soooo excited.
He loved the train but after a lil over an hour he said "I'm Done."  Poor kid, that is a long time to sit still. 
Daddy took the week off and was home with Asher.  He went to Chicago with us (as in Me, My Mom, The Sister, Grandma Jane, Annie, Aunt Kristi, Milissa, Rachel, Ashlyn and Kane).  He said he would never go anywhere with all of us women again. 
Yes, those are our children.  On leashes. 
Asher was very excited to see Woody at the Lego Store. 
But all that excitement wears a kid out.  He's getting to be a lil big to carry around like a sleeping baby :)

November 28, 2011


On Thursday we had Thanksgiving with the Righter side - which this year also included the Widlacki Family!  Asher was so excited to be able to play with his cousins.  We ate the best food ever and hung out with family - it was a great day!
Brody came walking into the dining room looking like this - we were wondering what happened to his clothes but he looked SO cute! 
Brody and Grandma Kristi 
Papa/Uncle No with the kiddos.  Nice pose Ashlyn :)
Our tree is up and I must say I'm pretty impressed with my garland. 
I had really wanted to change my colors next year to match my livingroom.  But after making the garland I never want to have to do it again! 
Last Sunday Nana Jane brought down the train they used to put up under the  tree at Christmas time.  Asher is in love but we have to keep telling him it ran out of gas so we can shut it off for a while.

We have Thanksgiving with Dustin's Mom on Saturday and his Dad & Sue on Sunday.  Whew, ready to be done with Thanksgiving because I'm ready for Christmas!

November 26, 2011

14 Weeks

Thank God we're moving into the second trimester!  I've been feeling much better - still tired and I seem sore all the time but besides that I'm feeling pretty good.  I took my 14 week belly pics Thursday night at 11:45 PM.  Yes, I was waiting for Mom and the ladies to pick me up at midnight to go shopping.  I'm happy to say that I made it all the way until we got home at 10 the next morning.  It was a long night but we had fun!  Milissa brought me her doppler to use on Thanksgiving and the lil nugget's heart rate seems to stay in the 140's or 150's.  I know I've gained weight in the last few weeks but I guess I'll wait until my next Dr appt to see what the damage really is.

How far along?: 14 Weeks

How big is baby?: 3.5 inches or about the size of a lemon.

Weight gain/loss?: I'm guessing around 4 lbs.  Next appt is Dec 5th

Stretch marks?: Nope

Maternity clothes?: No. Every once in a while I'll break out a pair of maternity jeans for comfort but they're still too big.

Sleep?:  Good

Food cravings?:  Anything Mom is having on family dinner night.

Gender?: Don't know yet

Movement?:  Keep thinking I'm feeling little flutters but not sure yet...

Belly button?: Its already starting to look flat...

November 20, 2011

Crafty Weekend

I had a pretty productive weekend.  I don't know what it is but Pinterest makes me wanna be all domestic and crafty.  I had seen a link for a You Tube video on how to make a wreath and garland out of that deco mesh stuff so I called Mom and The Sister Saturday morning and we headed down to Hobby Lobby to get some supplies.  I also got a few more things for Asher's room.  Can't wait til I actually get everything hung up!
 Here is the video I watched this week:

I used an inexpensive wreath to wrap and tie the mesh on. 
This was not hard.  But it was kind of a pain in the butt.  I didn't see the type of wreath used in the video at Hobby Lobby. 
It didn't turn out too bad considering it was my first project. 
I also made garland that will match my tree. 
Then I made a batch of laundry detergent.
I also made a Sticky Bun Recipe that morning but unfortunately I ate most of it before I remembered to take a picture.
Saturday night we had Heidi's surprise 40th 30th Birthday Party! 
Asher was very excited for the cake!

We're putting up the tree today and taking Asher on the Big Choo Choo tomorrow.  He is SOO excited :)

November 17, 2011

Asher's Big Boy Room

My Bubby has been in his big boy room a little over a week now!  He has done really good considering the fact that he is in a completely different room now.  When I tell him to go pick out his clothes he always runs into his old room still ;)
Sorry for the flattering pic Lil Buddy 
Asher in his new big bed!  Just like Ashlyn's he says 
Sadly it still looks this bare.  Asher and I went shopping last Friday and bought some "cowboy" things for the wall but I'm waiting for someone to help me hang them up! 
Yes, it looks out of place but Dustin insisted that we move the TV too. 

November 16, 2011

I gots 2 legs Mommy

Asher said this to me a couple of weeks ago.  Normally I would have been thrilled with the fact that he was counting anything!  But that night, as we were putting on his jammies - it made me cry.

I totally took everything with my pregnancy with Asher for granted.  I just figured we'd get pregnant, I would stay skinny with just a bump, I'd have this great birth and then we'd take home a perfect baby!  Although it didn't exactly go as I had planned for the most part it was perfect.  And Asher was perfect.

This time though there is a small possibility that this baby might not have 2 legs - or 2 arms - or 10 fingers and 10 toes.

When I had my first Ultrasound at 7w4d I just figured everything was perfect.  I went in for my regular appointment with  Dr A 2 weeks later and she told me that they saw an Amniotic Band.  Of course she didn't want me to stress out until we knew for sure so she scheduled a follow-up ultrasound for November 7th.  That was one of the longest 2 weeks of my life.  I had no idea if there was really something wrong with the baby or if they had just misdiagnosed. 

Dustin & I went to the ultasound and got to see our little nugget!  We got to see him/her kicking and punching and rolling all around.  I was amazed at how developed it was at just 12 weeks.  We stopped at Dr Austman's office on our way home to get the results.  Yes, there is a small amniotic band there but she said it is on the placenta side (closer to the placenta than the baby) and that all of the limbs looked great.  She said she felt confident after talking with the Dr at the hospital that things would be OK.  Although I still worry (how can you not) I feel much better now that she has reassured me that she thinks it will be fine.  I have another ultrasound in 3 weeks to check and make sure nothing has attached again. 

I think its just the thought that there is a little something in me that could hurt my baby and there is absolutley nothing I can do about it.

November 15, 2011

12 Week Appt

Yesterday I had my 12 week appointment with Dr Austman. 

Mommy's Weight gain: 0.8 lbs -  I thought I was up at least 2 pounds but I was very happy to see the scale yesterday.  Even though they rounded up I'm taking that .8 lbs!

Baby's Heart Rate:  150's

Asher went with me because he had been running a fever for the last couple of days and hasn't seemed himself.  She said that one of his ears was red but she wanted to wait and see what happened before she gave him an antibiotic because his fever had subsided yesterday.  Asher was so excited on the ride over to hear the baby but was a little scared once we got there.  Dr A and I discussed my migraine issues (I had a 2 day migraine over the weekend) and she assured me I could take the meds she prescribed when I get one and not have to worry.  That made me feel much better because I feel bad even taking Tylenol.  I just wish there was something should could do for my face!  Its sooooo bad.

My next appointment is in 3 weeks!
And just for fun - here is my view from the computer tonight.

November 14, 2011

Our Lil Nugget!

Here is my latest ultrasound pic from last Monday!  Here our Lil Nugget is just shy of 12 weeks.  And he/she looks like a baby!
It was so cool to see the baby kicking and punching and rolling around.  And even seeing its little mouth open and close.  So amazing that just 4 weeks ago we were seeing this:
Not that I was any less excited!  I have another ultrasound in 3 weeks and I'll be just shy of 16 weeks.  I'm hoping I can get the ultrasound tech to give me a guess on what we'll be having.  I'd love to know before Christmas!

And by the way - A new lil Popejoy arrived on Friday!
Axel Thomas Popejoy
9 lbs 7 oz
22 inches

I can't wait to go see this lil big guy!

November 10, 2011

12 Weeks

How far along?:  12 Weeks

How big is baby?:  About the size of a lime

Weight gain/loss?:  I've gained my first 2 lbs - this week.  Uh Oh.

Stretch marks?:  Nope

Maternity clothes?:  No.  Every once in a while I'll break out a pair of maternity jeans for comfort but they're still too big.

Sleep?:  Could be better.  I get up a lot to go to the bathroom.  Thankfully Asher is continuing to sleep through the night :)

Food cravings?:  Cheese and Crackers.  And Cheez-Its - they are the only thing that seems to settle my stomach.  And fruit roll-ups.  Lots of them.

Gender?:  Don't know yet

Movement?:  None

Belly button?:  Its already starting to look flat...

November 8, 2011

Conversations with Asher

My little Bubby makes me laugh every single day.  Sometimes he says something I just stare at him like "where did you come up with that???"  Here are just a few from the last couple of weeks.

As I was getting ready to leave for work:
Mommy: "Bye Buddy, I love you."
Asher: "ByeBye Mommy.  I love you.  Don't drive too fast."

As I was getting dressed this morning:
Mommy: "Hey Buddy, what should Mommy wear to work today?"
Mommy: "Awww I wish I could but I can't wear those to work."
Asher: "Wear Jeans & Boots!"

another morning....

Asher: "Whats that?"
Mommy: "A bra"
Asher: "Why?"
Mommy: "I have to wear that when I leave the house"
Asher: "Do you have two?"
Mommy: "Yeah, I have more than two."
Asher: "Good job Mommy."
Mommy: "Thank You?"
Asher: "You're welcome."

As we are brushing our teeth
Asher: "Mommy, brush your tongue."
Mommy: "I can't right now Bud, it makes me gag."
Asher: "Yeah, Mommy chokes."

As I was getting ready to leave for Brantley
Mommy: "Mommy is going byebye tonight with Tee Tee and Josh"
Asher: "Noooooooo, Mommy stay home."
Mommy: "But Mommy is going to see Brantley!"
Mommy: "When you turn 21 Mommy will take you to see Brantley."
Asher: "But I's Big!"

When I got home from Chicago Sunday
Asher: "I missed you Mommy" with a big hug!

November 7, 2011

Take it Outside

Saturday morning we boarded the train in Pontiac for our little adventure to the big city.  Thank God Addie met us at Union Station because I'm not sure me, The Sister and Josh would have made it out and to where we were going on our own.  Addie took charge and got us a cab and to the Condo of Nicole's cousins where we would be staying.  We were thrilled to be 1 block off of Michigan Ave and right on the lake.  The condo was awesome.

See all those great windows?  They were also great for people watching.
Kind of creepy isn't it? 

Jeff had a running commentary about what he thought was going on in these people's lives.
And he even serenaded them. 
Yep, almost dark and still checking out what was going on across the street.
Finally it was time to head out to Joe's Bar.
I told The Sister she needed a cami under her shirt.
She didn't listen. 
I think it had something to do with the fact that she was sippin on a little moonshine. 
Addie was my date for the night.
I think she ended up having a blast :) 
Some of Jeff and Nicole's friends came up and they hung out for a while before they made their way over.
But of course we were gonna get there early cuz there was no way we were missing this... 
Yes, we were that close.
Not just 4 rows from Brantley but 1/4" from the person in front of us, behind us and to the left and right.
You couldn't move at all. 
Then there was the drunk girl behind Addie that kept chewing her out for "invading her space."  Ummmm she should have looked around - I was literally eating the girls hair in front of me it was that tight.  Towards the end some girl was trying to get out and I asked her which way she was going she said "it really doesn't matter.  I'm going home.  You people are freakin crazy."
Sadly, she's right. 

It made my night when we went to leave and the bitchy girl was sprawled on the curb while the rest of the group tried to get a cab.  After she hit me in the head about 15 times and kneed me in the butt a couple of more I didn't feel the least bit sorry for her.

Oh, and someone spit a wad of chew from a few rows behind.  I got it all over my back and it was in Addie's hair.  Yummy.

So we finally get back to the condo and Jeff and Nicole had already gone to bed.  They said they would leave the door unlocked.  Only, the door man wouldn't let us up.  We sat there for about 10 minutes while he made a few phone calls.  Then one of the door men pulled up out front in his sweats and said "oh yeah, I saw them earlier."  Then he had to escort us up to the condo.  I was gonna be pissed if I had to sleep in the lobby.  Overall it was an awesome night!